Hello fellow creatives!

I’ve been thinking about starting a blog for months now, but have gotten stuck because I’ve always felt like, “OMG, it has to be perfect! and what do I even write about…there’s too many ideas inside my head.”

When it’s basically just a conversation. Between me and the reader, which is you.

Think of my blog posts as a conversation between me and you happening in two different realities.

A conversation about my thought process and a glimpse of my mind racing when I’m in my studio… almost as if you are here with me.

Now, I am sure what I just said sounds super hippie and almost insane. Well….


The concept I am exploring within my artwork is about the relationship between mental illness and spirituality.

What is mental illness really? And how does mental illness relate to spiritual awakenings?

Oh! and let’s not forget how does mental illness and spirituality relate to taking psychedelics? I’m sure anyone who knows Alan Watts, knows that psychedelics played a big role in spirituality during the hippie movement *inserts peace fingers.*

In my upcoming blog posts, I will share my own experiences with psychedelics, traveling in Mexico for two months, and the evolution of my thesis work, (titled “Installation” on the menu bar).

ALL relating to my understanding of what mental illness actually is.

Ultimately, my blog posts are my rambling thoughts when I need a break from painting or simply when I’m waiting for resin to dry.

Stay tuned.

🙂 x