Ink Drawings

“Illness is a product of ignorance.

Ignorance of your fears; of your Soul.”

9″ x 12″
Blue Ink on Bristol
“Solitude can either bring out your inner Genius or, sadly,

your inner Fears.

Your fears are the culprit of initiating a mental breakdown.. “‘

9″ x 12″
Blue Ink on Bristol

“Mental illness is simply, abstract thinking, at it’s finest
& artists are encouraged to be abstract thinkers…..

But, what if you aren’t an artist and you’re an abstract thinker?

Are artists disguised Schizophrenics?
Could there be such a thing as “Positive Schizophrenia?”

9″ x 12″
Blue Ink on Bristol
“The twisted, deformed,

yet delicate vines entangle similar to the way anxiety wraps around your brain and squeezes it.”

9″ x 12″
Blue Ink on Bristol
“Love is how one taps into abundance.

The calm… summer air, the feeling of fullness.
The pace of time disappears, and

your soul matures into another dimension.”

9″ x 12″
Blue Ink on Bristol
“Loving you, feels

like I am on Psychedelics. Do you know how good Psychedelics feel?”

9″ x 12″
Blue Ink on Bristol
“Spiritual awareness is Insanity.”

9″ x 12″
Blue Ink on Bristol
“Maybe insanity is just,

your soul trying to cope with three dimensional realities. Maybe Insanity is the shadow side of your soul. Maybe,

you have to experience a tug of war between your negative fears and your sanity in order

to flower into your full potential.”

9″ x 12″
Blue Ink on Bristol